Frosted Terracotta Oats: A Cereal Box Book Report

A young reader’s mom reached out to me recently to share her daughter’s book report project. The young reader finished reading Curse of the Terracotta Warriors just in time for a class book report. Students were asked to pick a novel they enjoyed, and to create a fun cereal box telling their fellow students all about it.

And this young reader created Frosted Terracotta Oats!

How fun is that? Check out the pictures! On the front of the cereal box, you can see a trio of terracotta warriors whose faces all look unique. In the background, the expansive terracotta army looms in military formation, ready for battle. On the back of the cereal box, the young reader created a word search puzzle. I love the slogan for the word search: Solve the puzzle . . . Discover the history. Mysteries in history and puzzles to solve are oh, so, awesome!

The young reader chose words from the story that had an impact on her. She even paid special attention to clues from the story such as the Shoemaker. Needless to say, the photos of the project and the mom’s kind words describing how her daughter LOVED Maddie Jones made my day. 

Anyway, I just wanted to share this awesomeness with all of you. I hope you each have a wonderful day, and if you’re about to go on Spring Break, enjoy the time off with your family!

All the best,


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